Lena Joi is a handmade clay jewelry brand. Led by owner and designer Bella VanLandingham, Lena Joi captures the beauty and simplicity of shape, color, and texture. Creating one-of-a-kind pieces, that are made by hand with organic materials. Our goal in building a brand from Lena Joi was the same as it is with any project, make something cool that our client loves. We felt the easiest way to accomplish our goal was by simplifying our process and identifying pillars of the brand. Through communication, we landed on joyful, handmade, and versatile. As the brand developed we found our guidelines extremely helpful. It allowed us the freedom to explore which in turn created a ton of usable brand assets giving the brand the versatility we were hoping for.
Set Design: Monica Alley
Produced by 8183

Logo Wordmark
Developed through rough sketches, procreate drawings, vectorizing in illustrator, and the never-ending process of balancing a wordmark.

Product Photography
The product photography followed the same ethos, make something joyful, handmade, and versatile. We worked with an amazing prop artist to help bring our vision to life. We used simple handmade shapes and practical photography to capture product in its native habitat. The result is a product presentation that is cohesive with the brand identity, and is usable across ecommerce, social media, and marketing.